Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Magicians of Love 愛情魔髮師

Magicians of love was the second taiwanese drama I've seen. It was still doing it's first showing when I was in Taiwan this summer. My cousins kept saying it was really good and stuff. But the first episode I saw was soooo boring! It was the second to last episode when There was a whole bunch of talking that I had no idea about. To make it simple I thought it was tres mauvais. Then I saw the last episode the week after and I was like, ok this might be good. About a week later it started showing weekdays at 8pm. We watched the first episode and I was like...this is kind of good... but then we went to Taipei and always came home so late and didn't get a chance to watch it at all. when I came back to Canada, I immediately got it off the internet and watched it. It was actually really good, and when I watched the second to last episode I was like, Oh! so this is what they meant. Magicians of Love was good and all, but of course not the best! The best of the best is yet to come! I've already watched it, I post on it Later.

And of course to express my keen liking of this drama, I'll put some pictures:

More Later! Please comment!

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